; $i_color - Value of type int specifying which month calendar color to retrieve.
; Requirement: None.
; Return Value(s): Array containing the color
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlMonthCalGetColor($h_monthcal, $i_color) Retrieves the color for a given portion of a month calendar control. (required: <GuiMonthCal.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): $i_color this value can be one of the following:
; Retrieve the background color displayed between months.
; Retrieve the background color displayed within the month.
; Retrieve the color used to display text within a month.
; Retrieve the background color displayed in the calendar's title.
; Retrieve the color used to display text within the calendar's title.
; Retrieve the color used to display header day and trailing day text.
; Header and trailing days are the days from the previous and following
; months that appear on the current month calendar.
; Return Value(s): Returns an INT value that represents the total number of days that can be selected for the control.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlMonthCalGetMaxSelCount($h_monthcal) Retrieves the maximum date range that can be selected in a month calendar control. (required: <GuiMonthCal.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Return Value(s): Returns the width of the "today" string, in pixels.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlMonthCalGetMaxTodayWidth($h_monthcal) Retrieves the maximum width of the "today" string in a month calendar control. (required: <GuiMonthCal.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Return Value(s): Array containing the RECT, first element ($array[0]) contains the number of elements
; if error -1 is returned
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlMonthCalGetMinReqRECT($h_monthcal) Retrieves the minimum size required to display a full month in a month calendar control. (required: <GuiMonthCal.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): The minimum required window size for a month calendar control depends on the currently selected font,
; control styles, system metrics, and regional settings.
; $s_day - Value representing which day is to be set as the first day of the week.
; Requirement: None.
; Return Value(s): The previous first day of the week.
; if error -1 is returned
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlMonthCalSet1stDOW($h_monthcal, $s_day) Sets the first day of the week for a month calendar control. (required: <GuiMonthCal.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; $i_color - Value of type int specifying which month calendar color to set.
; $i_colorref - Value that represents the color that will be set for the specified area of the month calendar.
; $i_refType - Optional: Type of value used for $i_colorref
; Requirement: None.
; Return Value(s): Returns an array of the previous color setting for the specified portion of the month calendar control if successful.
; Otherwise, the return is -1.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlMonthCalSetColor($h_monthcal, $i_color, $i_colorref[, $i_refType = 0]) Sets the color for a given portion of a month calendar control. (required: <GuiMonthCal.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): $i_color this value can be one of the following:
; Set the background color displayed between months.
; Set the background color displayed within the month.
; Set the color used to display text within a month.
; Set the background color displayed in the calendar's title.
; Set the color used to display text within the calendar's title.
; Set the color used to display header day and trailing day text.
; Header and trailing days are the days from the previous and following
; months that appear on the current month calendar.
; $i_refType = 0 $i_colorref is COLORREF rgbcolor (default)
; $i_maxsel - Value of type int that will be set to represent the maximum number of days that can be selected.
; Requirement: None.
; Return Value(s): Returns nonzero if successful, or zero otherwise.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlMonthCalSetMaxSelCount($h_monthcal, $i_maxsel) Sets the maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control. (required: <GuiMonthCal.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): This will fail if applied to a month calendar control that does not use the $MCS_MULTISELECT style.